The Pan African Women’s Summit is to inspire, engage & empower women across Africa to promote development in infrastructure, health & human resources, education and technology.

Misconceptions are the one connecting thread no matter what part of Africa is mentioned; in media, in educational formats, across the board. Yes, every country has its detracting factors but those factors are not the only heartbeat of a nation. Africa has the resources, the capability, and the strength to be international leaders in agricultural impact, healthcare advances, technological innovations and infrastructure development. Building on strengths and repairing weaknesses is the only way to move forward. Africa has a destiny to fulfill.
Strategic Networking: Strategic linkage with superb women groups, associations, and/or organizations outside of Africa that align with the goals and mission per participating country.
Image Integrity: Reliable, consistent messages to build worldwide goodwill
Social Responsibility: Being my sister’s keeper. What is good for women is good for a nation.
Building Capacities: What are the strengths in each state, geographical area? Use them to build communities.
Best Practices: Increase connections, collaborate, talk, build positive supportive relationships & see what best practices may be used to maximize resources across Africa.
Promoting Leadership in Women: Development through preparation, participation and capacity building for leaders.